Project Overview
Craneswater Junior School is a community primary school a primary education facility for children between the ages of 7 and 11 years based in Southsea, Portsmouth. The works within this contract comprises the demolition of an existing extension to the front of the lower junior school and construction of a new extension to provide a new reception area, a dedicated meeting room for interviews/social services, complete with toilet facilities, new toilets for pupils and staff, two new classrooms and a covered link between the Lower and Upper Schools.
Along with adaptations and refurbishments to the Lower School including works to the general office to improve staff facilities, refurbishment and enlargement of the small group/SEN space to provide a combined facility which supports medical inspection/therapy (MIT). Provide improvements in acoustic transmission and reverberation between the ‘marching corridor’ and classroom spaces through the introduction of new doors and screens etc.
The works comprised of but were not restricted to the following:
- Construction of a new extension to provide a new reception area
- Construction of a new extension to provide a new reception area
- New toilets for pupils and staff
- Two new classrooms and a covered link between the Lower and Upper Schools.
- Adaptations and refurbishments to the Lower School
- Refurbishment and enlargement of the small group/SEN space to provide a combined facility which supports medical inspection/therapy (MIT)
- Associated M&E works
The project was managed on site by Luke Pearce and Director of Operations Vishal Patel, the works commenced October 2017 and completed October 2018.
Housing, Neighbourhood & Building Services, Design Group at Portsmouth City Council
JCT Intermediate Building Contract With Contractors Deisgn 2016
Craneswater Junior School, St. Ronans Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, PO4 0PX