Project Overview
The site is inclusive of Fernhurst Junior School, Southsea, Hampshire. Fernhurst Junior School is a two storey building traditionally constructed with brick cavity walls and pitched slate roofs. The building was constructed in approximately 1897. The works comprised of the rebuild and repair of four of the front elevation gable walls previously in disrepair. The works comprised of the following;
- Wall tie retrofit
- Re-pointing lime mortar
- Re-building gable walls
- New concrete copings
- New lead flashing (stepped)
- New lead flashing (vertical)
- Stripping and renewal of slate roof to enable rebuilding
The works were carried out between July 2020 – September 2020, managed by Project Manager Vishal Patel and on site, Site Agent Luke Pearce.
Portsmouth City Council
JCT Intermediate Building Contract 2016
Fernhurst Junior School, Francis Ave, Southsea, Portsmouth, PO4 0AG